Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marijuana Law In Washington

Marijuana can be used in different ways. Many will use it for recreational use but medical marijuana use is on the increase.  There is so much controversy centred around its use for medical benefits, although many people suffering with diseases like cancer use it to help reduce the pain of chemotherapy.  Furthermore, aids sufferers also use it frequently to help increase their appetites.   We were once in a generation where the use of marijuana was forbidden. Now we rely on it for its many medical benefits. On a personal note, I got my medical marijuana card at Redwood Clinic.

In the state of Washington, marijuana law states that the use of marijuana is illegal. Anyone who commits any offence related to marijuana can be prosecuted and this law can lead to confusion. Ten years ago, Washington State voted for the use of marijuana for medical purposes.  Although the drug is illegal, it is permitted for use by designated users and patients, however, only a certain amount is permitted.  If you are found to have over the required limits, there are still ways in which you can avoid prosecution. This is by medically proving that more than the acceptable use is required for pain relief.

Marijuana Law Reform in the United States - Info Graphic from NORML

Many argue that the marijuana law is a mess and drugs raids on dispensaries and growers of the drug have increased. Growers who are qualified fear they are being harassed, which has increased hostility and has even lead to extreme violence including robbery of crops.  These problems led the mayor of Seattle, Mike McGinn, to ask both the police and the prosecutors to review the law.

Many who use marijuana for medical purposes firmly believe that the drug reduces their pain relief and they are not in the habit of using the drug to get high.  Without the use of legal dispensaries, medical marijuana users would have to buy the drug on the streets. This would mean them breaking the law, which is why more legal dispensaries are required.  Many sick patients are unable to grow and produce their own so they rely heavily on these suppliers.

Many feel that medical marijuana use should be easier to access in Washington, allowing the patient to buy the drug safely and consistently.  Sick patients should be protected from the fear of arrest or searches of their homes. Furthermore, suppliers should not feel vulnerable and fear that their crops may be stolen.

Medical Marijuana

Many want the use of marijuana to be legalized for recreational use as well as medical use but in 2011 this ballot failed to qualify. In January, a bill was introduced in Washington to legalize its use and this helped regulate tax producing millions of dollars for healthcare.  In December, the state was able to claim tax from marijuana dispensaries and they had to pay state business and occupational tax, generating money for the state.

Enforcing marijuana law can be difficult as there are always those who will abuse it; many medical marijuana users feel the police target them more than looking for the real villains who rob them.  Livingston (the cannabis defence coalition) also feels that medical users are targeted.  Many medical marijuana users believe that the use is necessary to relive their pain and it is better than using legal prescription drugs.

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