Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marijuana Law In Washington

Marijuana can be used in different ways. Many will use it for recreational use but medical marijuana use is on the increase.  There is so much controversy centred around its use for medical benefits, although many people suffering with diseases like cancer use it to help reduce the pain of chemotherapy.  Furthermore, aids sufferers also use it frequently to help increase their appetites.   We were once in a generation where the use of marijuana was forbidden. Now we rely on it for its many medical benefits. On a personal note, I got my medical marijuana card at Redwood Clinic.

In the state of Washington, marijuana law states that the use of marijuana is illegal. Anyone who commits any offence related to marijuana can be prosecuted and this law can lead to confusion. Ten years ago, Washington State voted for the use of marijuana for medical purposes.  Although the drug is illegal, it is permitted for use by designated users and patients, however, only a certain amount is permitted.  If you are found to have over the required limits, there are still ways in which you can avoid prosecution. This is by medically proving that more than the acceptable use is required for pain relief.

Marijuana Law Reform in the United States - Info Graphic from NORML

Many argue that the marijuana law is a mess and drugs raids on dispensaries and growers of the drug have increased. Growers who are qualified fear they are being harassed, which has increased hostility and has even lead to extreme violence including robbery of crops.  These problems led the mayor of Seattle, Mike McGinn, to ask both the police and the prosecutors to review the law.

Many who use marijuana for medical purposes firmly believe that the drug reduces their pain relief and they are not in the habit of using the drug to get high.  Without the use of legal dispensaries, medical marijuana users would have to buy the drug on the streets. This would mean them breaking the law, which is why more legal dispensaries are required.  Many sick patients are unable to grow and produce their own so they rely heavily on these suppliers.

Many feel that medical marijuana use should be easier to access in Washington, allowing the patient to buy the drug safely and consistently.  Sick patients should be protected from the fear of arrest or searches of their homes. Furthermore, suppliers should not feel vulnerable and fear that their crops may be stolen.

Medical Marijuana

Many want the use of marijuana to be legalized for recreational use as well as medical use but in 2011 this ballot failed to qualify. In January, a bill was introduced in Washington to legalize its use and this helped regulate tax producing millions of dollars for healthcare.  In December, the state was able to claim tax from marijuana dispensaries and they had to pay state business and occupational tax, generating money for the state.

Enforcing marijuana law can be difficult as there are always those who will abuse it; many medical marijuana users feel the police target them more than looking for the real villains who rob them.  Livingston (the cannabis defence coalition) also feels that medical users are targeted.  Many medical marijuana users believe that the use is necessary to relive their pain and it is better than using legal prescription drugs.

Medical Marijuana and Arthritis


Arthritis is a condition that involves damage to the body joints. There are various kinds of arthritis and each one has a different cause. The most common kinds of arthritis include osteoarthritis which results from joint trauma, age or infection. In many studies, it is proven that medical marijuana is an effective cure for arthritis pain and also inflammation.
About 27 million Americans have osteoarthritis which can cause breakdown of the joint cartilage which results to inflammation and pain. An additional 1.3 million are living with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune that creates severe pain. Moreover, 300,000 children in the US have juvenile arthritis. Although many doctors will not recommend using medical cannabis for young children, older teens and adults could treat their arthritis with the hemp.
In a 2005 study, THC and cannabidiol were found to create notable improvements in quality of sleep, pain and reduces disease activity in those people with rheumatoid arthritis. Both compounds are among the cannabinoids that naturally occur in marijuana. During the year 2000, researches discovered that cannabidiol blocked the progression of arthritis effectively in animal trials. However, there is still the question of the legality of using medical marijuana but there already several states legalizing its use and regulating it through the use of a medical marijuana card.
Nevertheless, there are many people who claim that they actually feel relieved by smoking a regulated amount of marijuana. Some patients claim that it is a better alternative to the medications they often take such as pain relievers which could also have negative side effects, particularly in prolonged use. When you decide to use medical cannabis to relieve your arthritis symptoms, you should always consult your physician. Remember that your physician is the best person to decide whether marijuana is good to relieve the pain and inflammation due to your arthritis. In some states where marijuana is legal, they use medical marijuana card to monitor and regulate its use. The use of the card is restricted only to patients who have prescriptions and recommendations from their doctors to use medical marijuana to relieve the symptoms of their illnesses. Some states allow one to grow his or her own marijuana plant strictly for health reasons. Excessive growing and using of the plant is punishable and there is a danger of prosecution if discovered. There are still debates going on in many states whether medical marijuana should be legalized or not.
Check out more about medical marijuana at

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The Legalizing of Marijuana in Washington State Could Still Lead to Prosecutions and Harrassment

On Nov. 6, 2012, the marijuana law passed in the states of Washington and Colorado, prevent users over 21 to be prosecuted for possessing no more than an ounce of pot. Many people in the cities of Seattle and Denver were dancing in the streets, lighting joints and bongs sometimes in the faces of news cameras, reporters, and even police officers. Citizens of those states were now free to use marijuana for recreational purposes without fear of arrest. Analyst estimated a legal marijuana market will be bring hundreds of millions of dollars in new tax for schools, healthcare, and government functions. It was a big win for people who believe that the criminal justice system has been unfairly targeting certain groups of people in the decades old "war on drugs."
After the initial noise died down and the celebrations subsided, the complicated facts started to resolve. It is still illegal to smoke in public places and federal properties such as military bases and national parks. It will likely be a very complicated and messy task for each county to determine the acceptable number of licenses and permits to stores, growers, and processors that will meet consumer demand. Counties will need to figure out how they will monitor the quality and potency, and ensure it is not accessible to minors. It is also still illegal to casually grow and sell the substance. The new freedom to use cannabis will more than likely increase its demand, and according to basic principles of supply and demand, there will be a lot of people growing and selling marijuana illegally.
The biggest concern that people should have is the roll that the Justice Department will have in all of this. It is unclear how they will respond to the Washington and Colorado state laws that are legally streamlining a substance that, under federal law, is still very much illegal. While states have the ability to remove all penalties under their own laws for marijuana, the federal government will still have the power to raid the establishment of any state-licensed store or grower and prosecute them in federal court. Regardless of state licenses, permits, or even appropriate medical marijuana documentation, Washington state citizens still fear that their door might get kicked down by police in the middle of the night.
While the vote to legalize marijuana was a moment of celebration for many, its possession and distribution still remain consequential. It is important for users and future users to make sure they are complying with state laws to prevent needless legal entanglements.
If you have legal questions about Washington state's marijuana law or been involved in a marijuana legal dispute Click Here to contact a legal professional.

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Medical Marijuana - A Growing Field

Even with no pun intended it is hard to ignore the thriving business environment surrounding the production and sale of medical marijuana. With MMJ now legalized in 15 states and the District of Columbia, the market is expanding vigorously.
Treating a Variety of Ailments
THC, the active ingredient in marijuana has been shown to effectively treat a number of conditions. It can reduce nausea, insomnia, neurogenic pain and movement disorders and the symptoms of glaucoma. It may be useful in controlling the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and fibromyalgia. Recent studies have indicated that THC prevents the formation of deposits of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Of course more research is essential in determining which conditions medical marijuana can help, but even this short list is encouraging.
Not Just Smoking
Medical marijuana opponents object strongly to the most common method of ingestion: smoking. However, there are many safer ways to ingest marijuana. Marijuana can be inhaled in a vaporized form and added to food after being processed into hemp oil. Both methods bypass the potential risks involved in any form of smoking.
Who Can Grow It?
One of the challenges of getting medical marijuana is figuring out who is allowed to grow it, and how much they can grow. The states which have legalized marijuana for medical use have implemented standards for whether and how much marijuana an individual is allowed to grow or possess. Things are a bit more complicated for dispensaries.
California allows patients and caregivers to form cooperatives to grow the plants, but much of the product which reaches the market is grown on small "farms" which still operate outside the law.
Recently a large store specializing in information and supplies opened in Sacramento, CA. The store doesn't sell any marijuana, nor any plants. There are some plants on display but they are owned by licensed individuals and will be removed before they bud.
Licensed Dispensaries

Opening a medical marijuana dispensary involves a bit of work. In each of the states where the sale of medical marijuana is legalized the requirements are a bit different. Businesses must apply for a license and provide proof that the storefront is either owned by the business or that the leaser has approved the business. Some states require a safety plan to be drawn up, or request tax documents and so forth.
One of the biggest challenges facing these legal businesses is obtaining the full range of business services, such as merchant accounts for processing credit card sales or bank accounts, since marijuana is only legal on the state level, not at the federal level.
Perhaps the strongest argument that the government will respond to is the potential tax base that medical marijuana will generate. In tough economic times it is hard to turn away any source of much needed income.
Michael Rupkalvis owns the Transaction group. The Transaction Group offers medical marijuana merchant accounts
and other credit card merchant account solutions for all types of businesses.

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